A More Social Way to Play

Adult sports are a great way to drive weekly night-time revenue, but they are not without headache.  The wrong mix of players and competition can make management of schedules, outsized egos, and new players a headache.  For over 10 years, League Joe has succeeded in making a social, fun league where new players are welcome and poor sportsmanship is shunned.  And we can bring our unique Draft Style of play to your facility.

Draft Leagues Are Just Better

  • Player skill is taken into consideration and teams are evenly balanced.  No more super teams that win every single season, and drive away the newer players.
  • Draft leagues welcome players who have never played before, or who haven’t played the game in years.  Draft leagues grow the sport!
  • Negative behaviors are not tolerated and players who are overly competitive, argumentative, and/or prone to fighting are removed.  Without a team of friends egging them on, the most competitive of players tone down their play because they recognize the fun and social nature of the draft.

Let us show you, and your players, a new way to play!

Individual & Couple Registration

When players invite their friends to join their team, they often have similar attitudes. Hyper competitive people have hyper competitive friends, and a group of them is going to do what they do best – compete and try to dominate.

With individual and couple registration models, we discourage group-think and encourage socialization. Players embrace a more fun style of play and enjoy the opportunity to meet new players. With couples registrations, we still give players with significant others or nervous friends a way to support a +1 player!

Player “Trust” Ratings

In addition to tracking player skills, we also track simple player behaviors such as their ability to pay on time, show up each week, and contribute positively to their teams.  Players with higher trust ratings are rewarded with benefits like discounts, higher roles, and more.

Players with lower trust ratings may eventually find themselves removed from the competition.  With our draft leagues, the atmosphere of the league is the top priority!

Parity and Skill Balancing

One of the fastest killers of recreational sports is when a novice or social team gets placed in the same league as a tournament team full of studs.  In this scenario – no one really wins.  The novice team is disheartened and annoyed, and the tournament team is bored and unfulfilled.

With our Parity and Skill Balancing, we help avoid those extreme matchup imbalances and make sure every player – from Pro to Joe – has a chance to win!

Sports Drafts
Gin & Juice
Midwest Sports Park
Indy Sports Park
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